How to Create a VAT CSV File for Returns

This article will help you prepare a VAT CSV file for your returns. Most Kenyans who have to file a return with the KRA know about the new online tax service introduced in 2004.

CSV File
A CSV File Icon: Source

Several changes have occurred to compliance with the tax laws, including in regards to speed, efficiency, and accuracy of information submitted to taxpayers.

Until recently, taxable individuals or companies couldn’t prepare their returns in Excel templates.

What is VAT?

VAT stands for Value Added Tax. These returns are filed by individuals and companies that have a VAT obligation. The filing is done monthly before or on the twentieth day of every month.

What is a Comma Separated Values File?

A Comma Separated Values (CSV) file is a plain text file that contains a list of data. These files are often used for exchanging data between different applications that can’t necessarily talk to one another directly.

A Comma Separated Values (CSV) file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas.

A CSV file typically stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text, in which case each line will have the same number of fields. The use of the comma as a field separator is the source of the name for this file format.

It is ideal to use a CSV file when you are dealing with a lot of data. You use the Excel program to create it. It will also be possible to extract entries from an accounting program such as QuickBooks and convert them to a CSV file.

A CSV file will make your return filing work much easier. This is because you will just need to upload the already prepared file.

How to Create a CSV File for VAT Sales

The first time I tried to create a CSV file, it was a total hectic operation. I would try to upload the file but end up getting numerous errors. I ended up giving up.

Later on, I decided to do reverse engineering. That is when I discovered that if do an amendment return you will be able to get the data you filed stored in a CSV format. Well, I do not want you to go through that process. Here is the simple one.

  1. Create a new Excel file.
  2. Enter your sales data as shown in the below table.
  3. Once done entering your data delete the headings as you do not need them.
  4. Use the ‘file save as option’ to save your file. Remember to change the file format to CSV (Comma delimited). Give your file an appropriate name and note where you have saved it.
  5. Note that it is advisable to close the file after you are done saving.
VAT Sales CSV File

How to Upload Your CSV File

  1. Log into your iTax portal.
  2. Point on returns options and click on file returns.
  3. Select VAT as the type of obligation and click on next to proceed.
  4. Download the VAT template form.
  5. Fill in the basic details on worksheet A of the VAT template and click on next once done.
  6. On worksheet B click on the import CSV file option.
  7. Navigate to where you saved your CSV file and upload it.
  8. Note that if you have sales without a customer’s pin, you should use the option for ‘Total Sales and VAT to customers not registered for VAT’.

If there are no errors the file will be uploaded. The contents of your CSV file will be displayed on worksheet B. You can go through the contents to make sure they are okay.

How to Create a CSV File for Purchases

  1. Create a new Excel file.
  2. Enter your data as shown in the table below.
  3. Once done entering your data delete the headings as you do not need them.
  4. Use the ‘file save as option‘ to save your file. Remember to change the file format to CSV (Comma delimited). Give your file an appropriate name and note where you have saved it.
VAT Purchases CSV File

How to Upload Your Purchases Comma Separated Values File for VAT

We are assuming that your VAT Excel Template file is still open.

  1. Navigate to section F or Worksheet F. This is the worksheet that carries all your 16% Vatable purchases.
  2. Click on the import CSV file option.
  3. Navigate to where you saved your CSV file and upload it.

If there are no errors the file will be uploaded. The contents of your VAT CSV File are displayed on worksheet F. You can go through the contents to make sure they are okay.

Assuming that you have got no other entries to make, navigate to worksheet O. This is where you will be able to see the VAT due. If you are satisfied with the final results, click on the validate option.

This will create a zipped folder that you will upload on KRAs iTax portal.

How to Save a VAT CSV File

How to Upload the VAT Zip File

  1. Access the iTax portal and point at the returns option and click on file return.
  2. Select VAT obligation and click next. The return period is automatically filled.
  3. Click on browse and locate your zipped file on your computer. In most cases, it is stored in the ‘My documents folder’.
  4. Select the zip file and agree to the terms and conditions before submitting it.
  5. If your VAT amount was a credit, there is no further action required. However, if there is a VAT to be paid, it is advisable to make the payment there and then.

Conclusion on Creating iTax CSV File

You can use the CSV file in any other type of return. For instance, it will be very effective on the PAYE return in a situation where you have many employees to cater for. The only time you will not need it is when filing Nil Returns on the iTax Portal.

We can help you file any type of return for a small fee. You can reach us at

How to prepare and import CSV file on iTax VAT excel sheet for bulk entries

Published by

Patrick Kamau

Patrick Kamau is an online writer who has been writing for over ten years. He enjoys helping people solve the problems they come across in their day to day activities more so in the computer field. He was a computer tutor for over five years before retiring to run his own business. Writing is a passion for him and he enjoys the monthly earnings he makes from his various works.

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