Inside the Forest – Presage of Downfall Chapter 2 – 5

If you missed the previous part, check it out here

Inside the forest, it was getting very late and the hyena showed no signs of impatience. It was sitting comfortably on its hind limbs licking its right paw. From where he was, Karume noticed that the animal had a festering wound on the paw.

Perhaps that’s why it had turned out to be a solitary animal since they usually lived in big families hunting and scavenging together. Karume wished for the hundredth time he never took the forest route, but it was too late now and a waste of time to keep regretting it. He should be plotting what to do next.

A Real Life Story of a Man Attacked by a Leopard

When he was young, Karume had heard of real-life stories of several people who had been attacked by wild animals and had fought to emerge victorious. Like there was this man who was herding his sheep in a bushy area.

All was peaceful until unexpectedly the sheep ran bleating. Everything else happened so fast that when he saw the leopard coming for him instead of the sheep, he thought he was in a bad dream.

It had knocked one sheep down when it felt threatened by his presence. The spotted animal jumped aiming at his neck ready to dispatch the herder to the next world. Fortunately, he had a sharp, long hunting knife, which he brought down heavily on the animal out of instinct but not courage.

The impact of the heavy animal sent him sprawling to the ground. Quickly, before the animal charged again, he stood up but he could not locate his hunting knife which had been dislodged from his hand during the earlier impact with the leopard.

The leopard jumped again going for his throat, this time he planted his feet firmly on the ground. He stretched his hand and grabbed its throat. The knife had inflicted a deep cut on its right eye and blood was gushing out freely. He reeled backwards with the weight of the animal, which was scratching him with its long crawls.

Blood and sweat began to trickle from the combatants. It was a silent struggle since none of the two had issued any sound except for the man’s heavy breathing and the leopard’s strangled breathing. The man was tired; blood had begun to trickle into his eyes making it difficult to see well.

He Felt Dizzy

His stranglehold was still firm and he could see the animal was becoming desperate for air. He applied more pressure to his grip and at the same time the animal lashed out again with its paws. This time he felt like his eye had been ripped off. He staggered backwards before regaining his footing.

His back was stiff and his throat was so dry that he couldn’t utter any cry for help. The leopard’s scratches lessened, but there was another danger; he felt dizzy. Then as he was about to blackout, he heard the shouting of young men as they rushed to his aid.

Although the man was in bad shape, he recovered after a month of hospitalization. He emerged as a respected hero who had killed a leopard.

Karume had to do Something

Karume’s situation was rather tight. He began to think of what to do to get rid of the desperate hyena. An idea formed in his mind. He didn’t know whether it would work, but it was worth trying.

He pulled a branch from the tree he had sought refuge in and plucked all the twigs. Within seconds, the man had a strong stick.

He threw a small stick away and the animal which had been licking its wound turned to see who the intruder was. Karume did not waste time; he jumped down with his legs apart and the heavy stick in both hands.

The boots he wore made a soft sound. Then as the animal was about to attack him, he landed two successive heavy blows on its back. Pain and surprise struck the hyena at once.

It yelped and fell back in pain. Karume lifted the stick again and whammed it on the ribs. It leapt to its feet and suddenly went berserk. It broke into a wobbling gait having lifted its injured paw and within seconds, the hyena was running fast making a disgusting giggle.

Click here to read the next part.

Published by

Patrick Kamau

Patrick Kamau is an online writer who has been writing for over ten years. He enjoys helping people solve the problems they come across in their day to day activities more so in the computer field. He was a computer tutor for over five years before retiring to run his own business. Writing is a passion for him and he enjoys the monthly earnings he makes from his various works.

3 thoughts on “Inside the Forest – Presage of Downfall Chapter 2 – 5”

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