How to Apply For Smart Driving License in Kenya

It is now mandatory for people with old generation driving licenses to apply for the Smart Driving License. They were rolled out in April 2018 by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA). The look and size of the smart driving license are almost like the national ID as opposed to the booklet type of the old generation. This new smart driving license comes with a secure computer chip containing the driver’s information. This data will only be accessed via special electronic gadgets owned and managed by NTSA.

A Smart Driving License
Front and Back Sample of a Smart Driving License

Offenses committed by the DL holder will be recorded and points deducted. Through the point deduction system, it will be easier to penalize the offenders. When fully implemented, what we might see is good drivers being rewarded and the bad ones fined. Repeat offenders will be suspended while others will lose their driving licenses. This will encourage good driving and reduce the rampant road carnage experienced from time to time.

How to Apply for Smart DL

 Process of Applying For the Smart Driving License in Kenya

  1. Log into your TIMS account. If you do not have an account click here to learn how to create one.
  2. At the top green bar, locate the driving license link and click on it. Your license details will be automatically populated. If it is the first time you are applying for a driving license, start by going to a registered school for training.
  3. Click on apply for a Smart DL.
  4. Confirm the details populated on the screen. Be sure to input your blood group and your county of residence.
  5. If the captured data is erroneous, do not proceed to make payment. Click on the provided link to make corrections.
  6. If you are satisfied that your personal data is correct, proceed to make payment. The payment is 3,050/=.
  7. After your payment goes through, book the date you will go for the biometrics and photo capture. The green bars indicate an available time and the red ones a booked one. Remember to select an NTSA station near to you.
  8. Attend the appointment and keep time.
  9. Wait for your smart digital license to be printed.

Your Smart DL

And that is the simple process to follow when applying for the smart driving license. The license is valid for three years.

Smart Driving License Application
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